1 - Prerequisites for installing in AWS
AWS account with full administration privileges
You need an AWS account with full administration privileges to manage involved services.
DNS domain
This requirement includes:
a registered parent DNS domain: the actual domain can only be registered on a certain installation step!
an administration access to the appropriate DNS server
Partner access to censhare resources
You will need partner login to be able to access the following:
censhare Download Portal
GitLab repositories with the HCMS CSK source code
Administrator access to the censhare Server
On some steps, you will need to access the censhare Server as an admin.
If you do not have access, open a support ticket to get it.
If you are not entitled for admin access, please make sure that someone - e.g. your project manager - will arrange an exchange with a censhare administrator. In this case, the administrator will have to perform the part described in this tutorial. You will need to pass some input to them, and they will need to return you some results. After that, you will be able to continue the installation.
JAVA/JDK for censhare administrator machine
If you do not have admin rights for the censhare server and need to cooperate with someone else, make sure that this person has Java/JDK installed on their machine.
Docker host with AWS CLI
You will need a local or remote machine to build Docker images. Please refer to the official Docker documentation for current requirements. On the same machine, you will need to install the AWS CLI for pushing images to AWS ECR. AWS provides a complete tutorial for this setup here.
SMTP server with an admin access
You will need an SMTP server for sending verification emails. This is a general requirement for the normal work of your application. Thus, make sure the SMTP server keeps working after the installation is finished.