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5 - censhare Server side preparations

You need to prepare the censhare Server.

Register HCMS instance

The steps are pretty much the same as for the local installation, except that you need to make sure that S3-push bucket is used as storage type and, optionally, the EC2 instance has correct access.

Depending on your setup, access needs to be granted in different ways, but we cover only a few most popular options:

  • censhare Server is on the same EC2 instance or at least on an instance on the same account

  • censhare Server is on a different instance or not hosted on AWS at all Please read the instructions below before you proceed to the subchapter in the local installation guide.

censhare Server is on the same AWS hosting

If the server is hosted on the same EC2 instance or at least the same account where you plan to host the HCMS Client later, then you need to assign the IAM role to the instance. The role has been created by the CloudFormation template as part of the corresponding stack.


  • In the CloudFormation console, go to your stack

  • Go to the Output tab

  • Find the name of the created S3-push bucket

  • Find the S3PushUser

  • Follow the steps from the third-party provider documentation to assign this role to the EC2 instance

  • Then, while registering the HCMS instance, in the configuration create command, add the following to point to the created bucket:

    --storage s3push -s3bucket <S3PushBucket-name> --s3region <region>

This will enable your instance to access the bucket.

censhare Server is somewhere else

If you want to use an EC2 instance that is not in the same account or the Server is hosted completely elsewhere, then, you need to supply the access and secret keys from the IAM user.


  • In the CloudFormation console, go to your stack

  • Go to the Output tab

  • Find the name of the created S3-push bucket

  • Find the S3PushUser

  • Go to the IAM console

  • Search for that user

  • On the security credentials tab, create access/secret key pair for applications running outside AWS

  • While registering the HCMS instance , in the configuration create command, add the following:

--storage s3push -s3bucket <S3PushBucket-name> -s3accessKey <S3PushUser-AccessKey> -s3secretKey <S3PushUser-SecretKey> --s3region <region>

with the correct values.

Save the output

As for the local installation, please remember to save the console output and the .PEM file.

Server preparation

The server preparation with the headless tool is completely identical to the local installation.

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