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9 - Create services


Now you need to create two services. Go to each of the tasks definitons you created on the previous step and create a service from the latest revision. If made changes in the task definitions, you will see them as revisions. Simply change the last - or the correct one - and use "Deploy" button to start creating the service.

Create HCMS service

The following settings are critical:

  • In "Compute options", take "Launch type"

  • In the "Service type", select "Replica"

  • Set desired tasks to at least 2 as discussed before

  • Select the load balancer you created before

    • Select the existing HTTPS listener

    • Recommended health grace period is 10 secs

    • Use existing target group that you created for the HCMS satellite

    • Enter /hcms/v1.0/entity as the health check path

Create HCMS CSK service

Repeat the same steps for the HCMS CSK, except the health path.

Check if the services are running

In the ECS console, check both services.

Open your portal in a browser

To check if the application is working correctly:

  • Open your domain in a browser.

  • Register a user using the native signup functionality

  • Grant it admin permissions as described here

  • Perform some basic actions, e.g., enable the Media Room module and try to access assets on the censhare Server

Possible troubleshooting

Please refer to the separate article.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.