Model representing call-to-action elements.
implements: hash
bundle: standard information structure (sismodel)
since 5.6.0
Model representing call-to-action elements.
Defined hash keys
asset ↦ AssetModel
since 5.6.1
get the asset linked to
follow ↦ String
since 5.6.0
get follow value
image ↦ ImageBoxTagModel
since 5.6.0
get image of call-to-action
label ↦ String
since 5.6.0
get label of call-to-action
style ↦ String
since 5.6.0
get style of call-to-action
target ↦ String
since 5.6.0
get target value
title ↦ String
since 5.6.0
get title of call-to-action
url ↦ String
since 5.6.0
get the target url of the link. this is calculated using the asset, if set, or the uses the "url" parameter of the xml tag.