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Model for assets with type 'address.'.

implements: hash
bundle: standard information structure (sismodel)
since 5.2.0
Model for assets with type 'address.'.

Model for assets where type attribute value starts with 'address.'.

Defined hash keys

displayName ↦ String
since 5.2.0
get complete name to display

since 5.2.0
get email data

employees ↦ sequence< AssetModel >
since 5.2.0
get assets related by 'user.employee.'

hasLock.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is secured by an active lock by permission rights management

  • Example:
    model.hasLock.elem - is elem in model guarded by an active permission lock?
    article.hasLock.text - Returns if there is a permission lock for text configured in 'article' ? (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)

isLocked.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is is locked for current user by permission rights management

  • Example:
    model.isLocked.elem -- is value for elem in model locked for current logged-in user?
    article.isLocked.text -- Returns if the value for 'text' within 'article' is locked (not accessible) for current user. (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)

since 5.2.0
get other address data

since 5.2.0
get phone data

since 5.2.0
get post address data

Permission Verbs used

since 5.2.0 'address.displayname' - guards requests to '→displayName'
since 5.2.0 '' - guards requests to '→email'

since 5.2.0 'address.other' - guards requests to '→other'
since 5.2.0 '' - guards requests to '→phone'

since 5.2.0 'address.postaddress' - guards requests to '→postaddress'

since 5.2.0 'company.employee' - guards requests to '→employees'

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