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Embedding Assets in a Teaserlist


Example use-case: Insert a quick-poll after the 3rd teasered article into a teaserlist.

Must Know !!!

  • Paged teaserlists embed same content on every page at same position
  • Embedded assets are add-ons, they do not count to size of teaserlist
  • Assets are embedded at positions, if position is not reached embedded asset is not shown
  • Teaserlist (T) must support 'embedding'
  • Asset-to-embedd (AE) must have component (AEC) and skin (AES) to be shown with,
  • skin should match teaserlists optic of course

How to:

Provide information on rendering of embedded types:

  • Create a widget (AEW) for asset-to-embedd (AE) configuring at least the component (AEC) and skin (AES).
  • Connect the new widget (AEW) to the teaserlist's widget with a widget-embedding ('key="user.widget-embedding."') relation (R1)
  • On the connection (R1) add feature widget-restriction ('feature="censhare:module.oc.widget.restriction"') with feature's value set to type of asset-to-embedd (AE) (e.g. 'poll.')

Configure and attach the assets to embedd

  • Edit widget (AEW)'s parameter to set the index (0, ...) of article in teaserlist asset-to-embed is prepended
<!-- Position of embeddments -->
    <parameter name="placementPositions" export="READWRITE" access="READWRITE" type="java.util.List&lt;java.lang.Integer&gt;">
        <scalar class="java.lang.Integer">0</scalar><!-- 0 = before first article -->
  • Connect the asset-to-embed (EA) to the teaserlist's widget with a placement-slot ('key="user.placement-slot."') relation (R2)
  • On the connection (R2) set sorting to the index of position within list parameter 'placementPositions' of widget (AEW)

Test ...

Supported components (2017-03-21)

  • Category Teaser List Widget
  • Collection Teaser List Widget
  • Cookie Teaser List Widget
  • Current Category Teaser List Widget
  • Geo Teaser List Widget
  • Meta Teaser List Widget
  • Search Folder Teaser List Widget
  • Teaser List Widget
  • XML Teaser List Widget
  • XPath Issue Teaser List Widget
  • XPath Teaser List Widget

Supported skins (2017-03-21)

  • Teaser List Widget
  • hero-large-list (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-hero-large-list.html)
  • large-large (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-large-large.html)
  • listwide (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-list-wide.html)
  • large (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-large.html)
  • list-list (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-list-list.html)
  • list (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-list.html)
  • product-category (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-product-category.html)
  • product-family (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-product-family.html)
  • similar-list (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-product-similar-list.html)
  • profile-list (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-profile-list.html)
  • stage row (Teaser-List-Widget-Template-stage-row.html)

Details for developers

on component

Component's class:


add parameter definition

    <!-- Position of embeddments [0..] : -->
    <parameter name="placementPositions" export="READWRITE" access="READWRITE" type="java.util.List&lt;java.lang.Integer&gt;">
        <scalar class="java.lang.Integer">0</scalar>

within template of skin

Inside the loop of articles, before asset rendering insert

<!-- check embedded assets for this index -->
<cs-if value="cs.component.@widgets[''+article?index]">
    <cs-replace value="cs.component.@widgets[''+article?index].render()" cs-filter=""></cs-replace>
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