Model for assets where type attribute value starts with 'text.message.'.
implements: hash
bundle: standard information structure (sismodel)
since 5.2.0
Model for assets where type attribute value starts with 'text.message.'.
Defined hash keys
anonymousUserName ↦ String
since 5.8.0
get the text of message
attachments ↦ sequence<MessageAttachment>
since 5.2.0
get assets connected by relation 'user.'
author ↦ PersonModel
since 5.2.0
get the asset of type 'person.' related by ''
hasLock.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is secured by an active lock by permission rights management
- Example:
model.hasLock.elem - is elem in model guarded by an active permission lock?
article.hasLock.text - Returns if there is a permission lock for text configured in 'article' ? (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)
isDeleted ↦ Boolean
since 5.8.0
true if message is marked as deleted
isLocked.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is is locked for current user by permission rights management
- Example:
model.isLocked.elem -- is value for elem in model locked for current logged-in user?
article.isLocked.text -- Returns if the value for 'text' within 'article' is locked (not accessible) for current user. (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)
isMine ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Is logged in user set as author of message?
isSubMessage ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
is this message child of an other message?
isWorkFlowStepRejected ↦ Boolean
since 5.8.0
true if message's workflow step is 'rejected'
parent ↦ MessageDetailModel
since 5.2.0
get the parent message of this message
text ↦ NodeModel
since 5.2.0
get the text of message
Permission Verbs used
since 5.8.0 'message.text' - guards requests to '→anonymousUserName'
since 5.2.0 'message.attachments' - guards requests to '→attachments'
since 5.2.0 '' - guards requests to '→author'
since 5.8.0 'message.isDeleted' - guards requests to '→isDeleted'
since 5.2.0 'message.isMine' - guards requests to '→isMine'
since 5.2.0 'message.isSubMessage' - guards requests to '→isSubMessage'
since 5.8.0 'message.isWorkFlowStepRejected' - guards requests to '→isWorkFlowStepRejected'
since 5.2.0 'message.parent' - guards requests to '→parent'
since 5.2.0 'message.text' - guards requests to '→text'