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A model for assets of type 'layout.'.

implements: hash
bundle: standard portal bundle
since 2.0.0
A model for assets of type 'layout.'.

Defined hash keys

hasLock.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is secured by an active lock by permission rights management

  • Example:
    model.hasLock.elem - is elem in model guarded by an active permission lock?
    article.hasLock.text - Returns if there is a permission lock for text configured in 'article' ? (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)

images ↦ sequence<asset/image>
since 2.0.0
Returns list of placed image assets

inCopyTexts ↦ sequence<asset/text>
since 2.0.0
Returns placed text assets

isLocked.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is is locked for current user by permission rights management

  • Example:
    model.isLocked.elem -- is value for elem in model locked for current logged-in user?
    article.isLocked.text -- Returns if the value for 'text' within 'article' is locked (not accessible) for current user. (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)

mpCurrency ↦ string
since 2.0.0
get the users currency

mpDescription ↦ string
since 2.0.0
get the localized description of underlying asset ('censhare:description')

mpDownloads ↦ sequence<MediaPortalDownloadInfo>
since 2.0.0
get a list of download-able items

mpListImage ↦ string
since 2.0.0
get the configured image storage key to use in list views

mpName ↦ string
since 2.2.0
get the localized name of underlying asset ('censhare:name') with fallback to name attribute

mpPrice ↦ number
since 2.0.0
get the price amount

mpTileImage ↦ string
since 2.0.0
get the configured image storage key to use in tile views

mpUsageRights ↦ string
since 2.1.49
get the usage rights feature value underlying asset ('censhare:usage-rights')

mpUsageRightsChannels ↦ sequence<MediaPortalUsageRights>
since 2.1.49
get a list of all channels

mpUsageRightsDesc ↦ string
since 2.1.49
get the usage rights localized description of underlying asset ('censhare:description')

mpUsageRightsKey ↦ string
since 2.1.49
get the usage rights feature key underlying asset('censhare:usage-rights')

since 2.0.0
Returns storage item configured for pdf media-portal/storage-definitions/layout/view-map/@key='pdf'

Permission Verbs used

since 2.0.0 'mediaportal.currency' - guards requests to '→mpCurrency'

since 2.0.0 'mediaportal.downloads' - guards requests to '→mpDownloads'

since 2.0.0 'mediaportal.listImage' - guards requests to '→mpListImage'

since 2.0.0 'mediaportal.mpDescription' - guards requests to '→mpDescription'

since 2.2.0 'mediaportal.mpName' - guards requests to '→mpName'

since 2.1.49 'mediaportal.mpUsageRights' - guards requests to '→mpUsageRights'

since 2.1.49 'mediaportal.mpUsageRightsChannels' - guards requests to '→mpUsageRightsChannels'

since 2.1.49 'mediaportal.mpUsageRightsDesc' - guards requests to '→mpUsageRightsDesc'

since 2.1.49 'mediaportal.mpUsageRightsKey' - guards requests to '→mpUsageRightsKey'

since 2.0.0 'mediaportal.price' - guards requests to '→mpPrice'

since 2.0.0 'mediaportal.tileImage' - guards requests to '→mpTileImage'

since 2.0.0 'mpLayoutModel.images' - guards requests to '→images'

since 2.0.0 'mpLayoutModel.inCopyTexts' - guards requests to '→inCopyTexts'

since 2.0.0 'mpLayoutModel.pdf' - guards requests to '→pdf'

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