The NavigationTreeNode Model represents a navigation path.
implements: hash
bundle: online channel standard (oc)
since 4.2.0
The NavigationTreeNode Model represents a navigation path.
The NavigationTreeNode model represents a navigation path without consideration of path parameters. The model also includes a group ID.
Defined hash keys
asset ↦ AssetModel
since 4.2.0
Returns the asset which declares the navigation tree node.
assetId ↦ Long
since 2021.2.1
Returns the id of the asset which declares the navigation tree node.
children ↦ sequence<NavigationTreeNodeModel>
since 4.2.0
Returns a list of all inferior NavigationTreeNodes. If a group ID is set, only inferior nodes with this set will be returned; these are arranged according to the group order.
groups ↦ sequence<NavigationTreeNodeGroupModel>
since 4.7.6
Returns a sequence of informations about the groups this NavigationTreeNode belongs to
isActive ↦ Boolean
since 4.2.0
Returns information on whether or not the current path is a sub-path of the navigation path of the page that is being rendered.
isNavigated ↦ Boolean
since 4.2.0
Returns information on whether or not the current path is the same as the navigation path of the page that is being rendered.
navigated ↦ NavigationTreeNodeModel
since 4.2.0
Returns the current target navigation tree node of the navigation path of the page that is being rendered.
parent ↦ NavigationTreeNodeModel
since 4.2.0
Returns the superior node on the path.
root ↦ NavigationTreeNodeModel
since 4.2.0
Returns the root node of the navigation tree.
segmentName ↦ String
since 4.3.0
Returns the name of the current path segment
state ↦ NavigationStateModel
since 4.9.3
Returns a model for the converted state of the given node
This state can be invalid, if parameters are missing. Should be used for static resolvers only
isInGroup(String:group) ↦ Boolean
since 4.3.0
Returns information on whether or not the current node is in the given group
nodeForAsset(AssetModel:asset) ↦ NavigationTreeNodeModel
since 4.5.0
The NavigationTreeNode represented by the given asset.
nodesForGroup(String:group) ↦ sequence<NavigationTreeNodeModel>
since 4.5.0
Returns a sequence of the NavigationTreeNodes in the group 'group'