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Models an URL representing a component state.

implements: hash, scalar
bundle: online channel standard (oc)
since 4.2.0
Models an URL representing a component state.

Represents a URL representing a component state which can be read out when addressed as a string. Since version 4.5.2 of the Online Channel the type hash is also implemented, allowing control of the kind of URL to be generated.

[used as scalar] ↦ String
since 4.5.0
Return the URL represented by this model and state.

Defined hash keys

autoSecurity ↦ StateUrlModel
since 4.4.3
Returns a StateUrl model with security mode switched to automatic mode, which means that the security mode is oriented to the configuration for the corresponding navigation entry in dependency on the current security state. This access results in the corresponding property being converted to the current StatUrl instance, which is subsequently returned.

insecure ↦ StateUrlModel
since 4.4.3
Forces the generation of a URL which points to the corresponding host which is not securely configured. This field is typically used to obtain a link to a non-SSL-secured page. This access results in the corresponding property being converted to the current StatUrl instance, which is subsequently returned.

since 5.6.0
Returns a NavigationStateModeltStateModel model

secure ↦ StateUrlModel
since 4.4.3
Forces the generation of a URL which points to the corresponding host which is securely configured. Typically used to obtain a link to an SSL secured page. This access results in the corresponding property being converted to the current StatUrl instance, which is subsequently returned.


componentParameter(String:param [Object:value])StateUrlModel
since 2017.1.0
changes value of component parameter

since 5.6.0
Changes the locale of the component state.

queryParameter(String:param [String: value])StateUrlModel
since 2017.1.0
Changes the value of additional parameter

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