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Configure the system asset - censhare Web

In the system asset, you configure settings that are applied system-wide in censhare Web. These settings include, for example, time zones, authentication, file uploads, download URLs, etc. The System asset is unique and part of the censhare standard distribution.


The system asset is a unique asset in each censhare instance. In the system asset, you define the system-wide settings for censhare Web. The system asset also provides user and asset statistics, monitoring information, and log file access of the censhare server.


In the Overview tab, you define the system-wide settings for accessing censhare Web, core functions and applications.

System properties



Web client URL

The URL for web links. The URL must follow the pattern PROTOCOL://SERVER_ADDRESS:PORT. The port is optional. The server address can either be a domain name or an IPv4 address. IPv6 addresses are currently not supported. censhare supports the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. censhare uses the URL for example to generate the link that users receive to reset their password. Path suffixes after the server address are ignored.

Temporary download URL

The URL for temporary download files. The URL must follow the pattern PROTOCOL://SERVER_ADDRESS:PORT. The port is optional. The server address can either be a domain name or an IPv4 address. IPv6 addresses are currently not supported. censhare supports the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. censhare uses the URL to generate download links for asset files. Path suffixes after the server address are ignored.

Enforce HTTPS

Enabled by default. If you want to use HTTP, disable it (not recommended).

Version flag "Edit multiple assets"

Enable to create a new asset version for assets that are edited with the Edit multiple assets wizard. If disabled, censhare shows the message This action will not create new versions of selected assets, when users edit assets with the wizard.

(1) If the URL is not correct, censhare uses localhost as the default address. censhare then generates a web link that is not linked to the configured server.

(2) If the URL leads directly to a censhare server, port number 9000 must be used.

Time zone


Set a system time zone from the list configured in the Timezone feature. For example, use this option if the system time zone is different from the server location time zone.


Translation with Memory

To enable Translation with Memory, you need a valid license. Requires further configuration. For more information, see Set up Translation with Memory.


To enable bulk-editing of up to 2 000 assets with the Bulk operation wizard, you need a valid license.


API keys

censhare can connect with the OpenWeatherMap and Google time zone APIs, and retrieve weather and time zone data from the respective services. Weather data can be displayed in the Weather widget. The time zone data defines the user's time zone.


If you have a valid API key, paste it into the respective field. Otherwise, click

next to the field, log in with your credentials, or create a new account. Follow the instructions on the pages to generate the API keys.

Google Maps Time Zone

If you have a valid API key, paste it into the respective field. Otherwise, click

next to the field, log in with your credentials, or create a new account. Follow the instructions on the pages to generate the API keys.


Authentication is handled via Keycloak external authentication. For more information, see Authentication and user management.

Adobe InDesign PDF presets

Adobe InDesign offers the option to specify PDF settings in the so-called PDF presets. The PDF presets are applied to create text preview in the Editor for InCopy documents and to create PDFs with the web-to-print wizard.

The PDF presets are created and stored on the Adobe InDesign server. For more information, see Installation of Color profiles, job options and fonts.


Enter the complete profile name, as it displays in Adobe InDesign.


Enter the complete profile name, as it displays in Adobe InDesign.


In campaigns, users can allocate budgets, define goals, and plan tasks. In this section, you can configure thresholds that visualize if the current execution of a campaign is within the planned parameter. The visualization uses a traffic light icon with green, yellow, and red colors. The traffic light icons display in the My campaigns widget on the Projects page. The thresholds are used system-wide:

The spent budget, task completion or goal achievement is within the planned parameters.

The spent budget, actual task completion or goal achievement is at risk to exceed or miss the planned parameters.

The spent budget, actual task completion or goal achievement exceeds or missed the planned parameters.

Traffic light for missed budgets

Yellow more than

Enter a threshold percentage for the risk of over-spent budgets. Values greater than 100 are allowed. censhare calculates the percentage using the spent budget and the allocated budget to a project.

Red more than

Enter a threshold percentage for over-spent budgets. Values greater than 100 are allowed. censhare calculates the percentage using the spent budget and the allocated budget to a project.

Traffic light colors for missed goals

Yellow more than

Enter a threshold for the risk of non-achievement of goals. censhare calculates the percentage using the start value, end value, and the achieved value of a goal.

Red more than

Enter a threshold for the not achieved goals. censhare calculates the percentage using the start value, end value, and the achieved value of a goal.

Traffic light colors for missed tasks

Yellow more than

Enter a threshold for the risk of non-completion of tasks. Specify an integer value, and a unit (hours or days). Reference value is the Actual end time of a campaign.

Red more than

Enter a threshold for the non-completion of tasks. Specify an integer value, and a unit (hours or days). Reference value is the Actual end time of a campaign.


File upload settings

censhare uses chunked upload for files so that failed uploads can be resumed without restarting from the first byte. The upload settings allow you to define default values for your network. Users can define their personal file upload preferences. These overwrite the default settings. For more information, see Configure file upload for censhare Web.

File download settings

Define a pattern to generate the filename for downloaded asset files (aka storage items). censhare Web uses this pattern in all modules. The value is an XPath expression that can handle the following parameters:

  • $asset - this parameter selects the asset from which the download is executed. For example, an image or text/xml asset. It retrieves the complete asset XML. The asset element is the root node of the XML structure. Attributes that can be selected in the root node are for example @name, @id, @id_extern, @application, @type, @language, @creation_date, @created_by, @modified_date, @modified_by. To select attributes of child elements, use the respective path and attribute selector. For example, to select the localized Japanese asset name, use:

  • $storage_item_key - this parameter selects the key of the storage item to be downloaded (for example a PNG or XML file). This key is not stored in the "storage_item" child element of the root node.

  • $page-sequence - this parameter selects the element_idx of the storage item. It indicates the consecutive number of the storage item if multiple items are stored in the same asset.

The following default expression is implemented:

   if ($asset/storage_item/@key = $storage_item_key)
   then $storage_item_key else (),
   if ($page-sequence) then $page-sequence else ()),

Download file name

Enter a custom XPath expression, or leave the default expression as is.


Multi-relation widget settings

Define the global behavior of multi-relation widgets. Set the maximum number of relation types that can be managed in one widget. The default value of this setting is five. To customize this setting, enter the desired value in the Multi relation widget config field and save your changes.

The new limit is activated immediately. You do not have to restart the application server. Widgets that have already been configured are not affected. For example, if users have configured five relations in their widgets, and you reduce the limit to three, these will still work. If a user adds a new widget configuration, the limit will be three.

For more information, see Configure the Multi relation widget.

Multi relation widget config

Enter an integer value. Default is 10.

Resource key handling

Define the pattern to generate Asset resource keys. Resource keys are mandatory in Module assets (for example Keyword assets) and optional in other assets.

Implementation partner

Enter a string that represents the name of the organization that implements the system.

Client name

Enter a string that represents the instance of the system.

Users can generate a resource key by clicking

 in the Create asset dialog. Resource keys are built with pattern implementation-partner:client-name.asset-type.hash-key.

Alternate domain for new child assets in the communication tab

By default, communication assets are created in the domain of the context asset. Exception are topics: for them, the domain configured in the topic template is used.


Defines the global storage domain for communication assets. Default is Domain of parent asset.

The following options are available:

  • Domain of parent asset (default): Always uses the domain of the context asset to store communication assets. This is also the known behavior in previous censhare versions. This option covers the following scenario:

    Contributors and Commentators have write access to the domain of the context asset.

  • Fixed domain: Communication assets are stored in a fixed domain. If you are using the censhare Dedicated solutions, you can select the Global share domain for this purpose. This option covers the following scenario:

    Contributors have write access to the context asset and write access to the communication domain.

    Commentators have read access to the context asset and write access to the communication domain.

  • Fixed domain if no write access to parent domain: Combines both behaviors. Communication assets are stored in the context asset domain if a user has write access. Otherwise, communication assets are stored in a fixed communication domain. This option covers the following scenario:

    Contributors have write access to the context asset, and at least read access to the communication domain. Messages are stored in the domain of the context asset. Contributors see messages that are stored in the communication domain.

    Commentators have read access to the domain of the context asset and write access to the communication domain. Messages are stored in the communication domain. Commentators see messages that are stored in the domain of the context asset.

The decision which option to choose, depends on the specific domain setup for the censhare installation at your company. For more information, see Domain concept.

If you select Fixed domain or Fixed domain if no write access to parent domain, you must select the domain where child assets are created (values for Domain and 2nd domain are required). If you select Domain of parent asset, no selection of a domain is necessary.

Multiple selection limit

In asset lists, users can select multiple assets and edit their properties, or perform an asset action on these assets. The number of assets that users can select is determined by the Multiple selection limit. The Multiple selection limit also determines the number of assets that are pre-loaded during a search. A high number for the limit creates a high server load.

Selection limit

Default value is 100. This is also the maximum value. Higher values are ignored. Leave as is, or enter a value <100.

System report

The System report widget displays information about load and performance of the server on which you are currently logged in. To update the data in the widget, click

 in the top bar of the widget.



Name of the server to which you are currently logged in. Only relevant in clustered and master/remote environments.


censhare Version


Allocated and used memory


Number of current versions and total number of assets.


Allocated CPUs.


Average server load (processes). Calculated by the operating system.


Currently logged-in users. Logins to different clients and browsers count separately. For example, if the same user is logged-in to the censhare Client and censhare Web simultaneously, 2 logged-in users are counted.



Displays the current and maximum number of database connections.


Displays the number of live queries. Live queries come for example from widgets that query and display asset data. For live queries, the server receives a response from the SQL database if changes are made to the query and updates the data displayed in the client.

Adobe InDesign Services


Displays the number of tasks currently edited on the Adobe InDesign server.


Displays the maximum number of processes allowed simultaneously on the Adobe InDesign server.

Image Services

The image service can be controlled directly from the censhare Server, or can be outsourced to the Service Client on another host.


Displays the number of tasks currently edited.


Displays the maximum number of processes allowed simultaneously.

Workspace views

To activate views, go to the "Views" widget on the "Overview" tab of the system asset. A view is active across the whole system if it appears here on the list. Technically speaking, censhare saves the unique resource key (reference: -> resource key) of a view in this list.

To activate a certain view in censhare Web, you add it to the "Views" widget. Go to the "Views" widget on the "Overview" tab of the system asset. Click the button "Add relation". An asset chooser dialog will open. Select the desired view and confirm with OK or click CANCEL to exit the dialog.

This is also how you add a view in the Java Client (Desktop Client). For more information see the section Activation in the article about working with list views.


To create custom brandings for your censhare application, see Custom branding.

Project planning

See Timezone.

Availability calendar

Availability calendars are the basis for the calculation of team workloads. An availability calendar for a team member determines which days of the week and which hours a person is available.

If a task is planned and then assigned to a person, censhare places the task in the respective time slots. All tasks that are assigned to a person build the workload for the days in question. The availability calendar also takes into account appointments, bank holidays, or vacation days.

The default availability calendar is used for all person resources that do not have a personal availability calendar assigned.

Tip: To make sure the team workload is always calculated correctly, a default availability calendar should always be specified.

Before you can select an availability calendar in this widget, you need to create a calendar and define the desired availability times.

To select a default availability calendar, click (plus) and select the calendar from the asset selection dialog.

You can only assign one default availability calendar. To change the default calendar, remove the existing one first, then add a new one.


The Users tab shows a matrix of users and roles. The cells display, in which domain a user is assigned to a role.

Asset statistics

The Asset statistics tab shows diagrams with the distribution of assets in the following categories:

  • Domains

  • Asset types

  • MIME types

  • Keywords

  • Workflows

  • Workflow states

  • Workflow targets (assigned users)

Download statistics

The Download statistics tab shows the ten most downloaded files and the ten users with the most downloads.

Server statistics

The Server statistics tab displays the current status of the censhare server. This can be found in the Admin Client in the area "Status/diagrams". On the other hand, the system asset shows some selected diagrams on the "Statistics" tab.

By default, the tab displays memory utilization of the Java Virtual Machine, the number of logged-in users and the server load. The server load is the ratio of processes determined by the operating system and the number of processors.

In a distributed system (master/remote servers), you can check the connection to the remote servers.

The widgets that are installed have the following keys:





Logged in users


Server capacity


Extended server statistics can be found in the censhare Admin Client under the Status/Diagrams.

Server logs


censhare creates a range of log files for the purposes of monitoring and performing error analysis. Problems include things like configuration errors in censhare or other system resources such as memory or the network. For example, slow memory or a slow network can cause performance issues. The possible causes of this within censhare include the censhare Server, the censhare database (cdb), the SQL database or the censhare Client.

To assess the log files you have to download them from the server. This is possible using the SSH access to the censhare server or using censhare Web. The latter is much easier than the SSH method. The former is not always allowed due to security reasons.

In the system asset you will find the Server logs widget, which provides you with access to the censhare Server logs that belong to the installation. The widget allows you to select the necessary log files for a censhare server. Click to download the logs as ZIP files.

censhare automatically creates the following log files:


Log file name




Log messages on the censhare Server



Log messages initiated on the client side



Garbage collection of the Java Virtual Machine



Log messages not captured by Logger Manager

"No" is the number of the log file in question. censhare regularly creates a new log file if the current one has reached a certain size. The log files are numbered consecutively. The older the file, the higher the number in the log file name.

Once during booting, the log file stdout.log saves all messages until the Logger Manager becomes active, and messages are written to a server log file. If certain parts of the program do not use the Logger Manager for their messages, these will also land in the stdout.log.

Java thread dumps help in the analysis of performance problems in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and other errors. In the "Server logs" widget you can create a thread dump and download it like all other log files. The thread dump is created by the "jstack" tool, which is part of the Java SDK (Software Development Kit). "jstack" takes the PID of the JVM process as an entry. To analyze the thread dump there are a number of different, sometimes free, software options available.


To download log files go to the Log tab in the System asset, which contains the Server logs widget. First, select the censhare server from which you wish to download the logs. Then mark the desired log files. If you need a Java thread dump, create it and mark that one as well. Finally, download all of the selected files as a ZIP file. if you need log files from another server, select the server and proceed as just described.

To select the server, click in the selection window on the far left in the toolbar at the top of the widget. A list of the available servers will appear. It contains all of the servers that are entered in the Application server table in the Admin Client master data. If only one server is configured for the censhare system, its log files will automatically appear in the widget.

If the server name of a censhare Server does not match with the ID of its entry in the Application server table, you receive an error message. In this case, correct the server entry in the censhare Admin Client. Open the table and enter the system name in the ID field for the entry and save the change.

The Server log widget lists all files in the directory work/logs of the censhare server. Changes to the directory are automatically shown in the list, for example when you create a Java thread dump.

To create a Java thread dump, click CREATE JSTACK in the table toolbar.

To select the most important log files, click IMPORTANT LOGS. This selects the logs gc.log.0.current, stdout.log, all jstack files, and the latest ten server logs. If you want to see all of the log files click ALL. You can change your selection by clicking the corresponding check box for a specific log file in the log files list. To deselect all logs, click NONE.

To download your selection as a ZIP file, click

 in the table toolbar.


The Workspaces tab displays a list of asset pages and containers (tabs) in your workspace. For more information, see Workspace customization (partner login required).


The Widgets tab displays a list of all widget configurations in the system. For more information, see Widgets in censhare Web and Custom widget censhare WP (partner login required for both).


Build a search group hierarchy

If you have many stored searches in your workspace, it is convenient to organize them in Search groups. You can do this on the System asset, in the Searches tab. The table on the Searches tab shows the hierarchical search group structures and assigned searches.

Asset structure of stored searches in search groups

Search groups and stored searches use the following asset relations:

censhare:searchAsset key reference relation

Search groups and stored searches use the following asset relations:



censhare:searchAsset key reference relation


  •  My searches
    •  My images
    •  My tasks

Searches can be assigned to any search group in the hierarchy:

  •  My searches
    •  My images
    •  My tasks
      •  Open tasks
      •  Tasks in progress

(info) If a stored search is not assigned to a search group, it displays on the eetop-level in Stored searches

Build top-level search groups

To build a search group hierarchy, log in with your administrator user and do the following:

  1. Open the user menu and select Show system.
  2. On the System page, go to the Searches tab.
  3. In the table toolbar, click  
  4. Enter a name for the search group.
  5. Generate a resource key.
  6. Add sharing options.
  7. Click OK to save the search group.
  8. To create further top-level search groups, repeat the steps.

Add child search groups

To create child search groups, do the following:

  1. Move the cursor over the parent search group, click + and select Add child search group(s) to hierarchy. 
  2. Enter the desired details as in the steps above.

Alternatively, you can add child search groups and set the sharing options on the asset page of a search group, in the respective widgets.

Reorganize search group hierarchy

If you want to change the search group hierarchy, drag & drop a search group into another search group.

Add stored searches to a search group

To add a stored search to a search group, do the following:

  1. Move the cursor to the parent search group and click +.  

  2. Select Add search to search group.

  3. In the dialog, the Existing asset tab is preselected. Search for the desired Stored search and click to select it.

    You can only add existing searches. You cannot create a new stored search in this dialog! To create a new search, see Store, share & manage searches.


  4. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.

Remove a stored search from a search group

  1. Expand the search group hierarchy until the desired search item is displayed.
  2. Move the cursor over the search item and click the remove button.
  3. Click OK to confirm the action.

This action removes only the assignment of the stored search to a search group, not the search itself. If you remove the assignment of a search to a search group, it displays in the Stored searches on the top level. To completely delete a stored search, see the following section.

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