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Configure multi-editing - SysAdmin

censhare Web provides for editing the properties of multiple assets at the same time. Learn how to set up this functionality for users and how this affects asset versioning.

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Solution developers


Editing properties of several assets at the same time is implemented as a three-step wizard in censhare Web.

The configuration of this process is carried out in censhare Web, in the censhare Client, and the censhare Admin-Client.


Editing of properties must be enabled in the censhare Admin-Client.


In censhare Web, a wizard takes users through editing properties of multiple assets at the same time. The wizard consists of 3 steps:

  1. Select assets that are to be edited.

  2. Display and select properties that are to be edited.

  3. Set the values for the selected properties for all selected assets.

Enable property editing

Enable property editing so that users are able to edit properties of multiple assets in the wizard. You enable this in the censhare Admin-Client.

In censhare Admin-Client, properties are called features.

  1. Log in to censhare Admin-Client.

  2. Select "Master data", "Features" and double-click "Features" to open the list of features.

  3. In the "Features" list, double-click the respective feature and set the following:

    • "Modifiable by user" = Enabled

    • "Target object" = "Asset"

Configure dialog groups

In the wizard, editable properties are presented to users within dialog groups. Dialog groups bundle properties that are suitable to be edited together. As administrator, you create the appropriate dialog groups. You can freely decide which properties you want to bundle in one group. You can do this with or without using XSLT.

For example, create a dialog group "Dimensions" and add the properties "Height", "Width" and "Length" to this group. Users in censhare Web then see these three properties in a section "Dimensions“ when using the "Edit multiples assets" action.

For further information, see Configure dialog groups.

Versioning of edited assets

For assets that are edited in the wizard, you can define that a new asset version is created. You define this in the system asset, in the censhare Client.

  1. Log in to the censhare Client.

  2. Switch to administrator mode: In the "censhare Client" menu, select "About censhare Client". Press and hold ALT and click OK.

  3. Search for the module asset "System". Right-click the asset and select "Edit metadata".

  4. In the "Edit metadata" dialog, on the "Features" tab, go to the "Features (internal)" section.

  5. To enable asset versioning: Search for the "Version flag Edit multiple assets" feature. Select the box next to it.

    If the feature is not already there, add it by clicking the last plus-icon right at the bottom of the dialog and selecting "Version flag Edit multiple assets" from the list. Then select the box next to it.

  6. Confirm with OK.

Note: If asset versioning is not enabled, no new versions are created for assets that are edited in the wizard. The "modified by" attribute is not updated either: an asset edited in the wizard cannot be found in the "Last Edited" area on the side navigation of censhare Web.

Display of properties in the wizard

The properties users select for editing, are displayed in step 3 of the wizard.

  • Properties are grouped under headings. The headings are taken from the dialog groups:

    • If properties have been picked from the Features widget of the dialog group asset, group headings come from the localized asset name of the respective dialog group assets.

    • If properties have been picked from the XSLT of the dialog group asset, group headings come from the names you defined in the XSLT.

  • If the property values of the selected properties differ for the assets selected, "Different values" is displayed.

  • If the properties of the selected assets have different values for any of the following value types, all unique values are displayed: Hierarchical value list (string), Value list (string), Asset reference.


You know how to enable editing of properties for multiple assets.

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