Release information
Git integration for the Admin Client
Git-based version control and workspace management is now available in the censhare Admin Client UI.
censhare 2024.1 introduces GitOps features to consistently manage and deploy configuration and customization changes for censhare Classic installations. This renders manual deployment via SSH access obsolete and enables robust deployment pipelines. Git integration for the Admin Client covers essential Git commands and provides a simple and intuitive interface for solution developers.
Full dockerized solution | censhare Box
For our partners and all solution developers, we finally provide the long requested support for censhare Docker images. But censhare Box is even more than that. It also includes a CLI for managing your local installations and solution workspaces. With the censhare Box, you can get all censhare components up and running locally in minutes and start developing immediately.
Robust session handling
For this release, we made censhare Web more robust and secure. We made user experience more smooth by implementing a mechanism to prevent unexpected interruptions which also reduces chances of malicious attacks. We also enabled admins to configure a single signout for users that want to end their session in all applications with only one click.
censhare Styleguide is back
Since censhare release 2021.2, the Styleguide was no longer available. We decided to revive this feature to provide clear guidelines and resources for developing and customizing the user interface of censhare Web. The Styleguide helps to ensure consistency and coherence in UI design and extensions.
Updating third-party libraries
We constantly keep an eye on any possible security issues, regularly run automated security checks, and immediately update any outdated third-party libraries that can expose any security holes. As an integral part of the release preparation, we updated major third-party libraries used on runtime.
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Extended CI HUB integration
CI HUB integration used to be limited to displaying only a few pre-defined properties of an asset. After a successful collaboration with censhare, the third-party provider adjusted their API to work with all value_key
feature types in censhare. Now, upon request, this integration can be customized to display any of them. Available for all censhare versions.
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Markers in Java Client
Remembering how useful markers are, we decided to replicate this great feature in the Java Client. You will find the same basic functionality now available in your favorite desktop application, with a slight difference to censhare Web when it comes to the UI, and currently without the content comparison.
Notifications for communication on the asset
To communicate directly on assets, you can create messages, tasks, or markers. Previously, you had to check the asset page to see the latest updates, e.g., if there is a reply to your message. Now, you have a view that displays all notifications for all assets in which you are involved. A notification bell in the top right corner of the censhare Web UI shows the number of new entries, and a notification menu allows a quick access to them.
Improved performance for adding new keywords on assets
Adding new keywords on assets used to be a bit slow for censhare systems with vast amounts of keywords. We implemented a new mechanism to facilitate keyword loading in the “Edit properties” dialogue and made it as fast as modern standards require.
Media categories for quick access and easy structured search
The new workspace page and left navigation item addresses the needs of brand managers and allows for quick search of media assets. It is a lightweight, simpler version of the search page, and is much easier to use. It consists of a table widget with assets displayed hierarchically (similar to a search filter) and another widget that is nothing else as a search result page fitted into a widget.
Standalone Search results widget
Displaying results of a query comes in handy in many situations. That’s why we went further and enabled a standalone usage of the Search results widget from the Media categories workspace page. The widget can be placed anywhere in your workspace, on any asset page. You can define any query using an XSLT transformation. We also retained a possibility to connect it with a table widget, allowing you to create your own version of Media categories and/or embed it into any custom dashboard.
List InDesign Server versions used by censhare Render Client
Previously, there was no straightforward way to find out which version of Adobe InDesign server is used by a Renderer Client. Now, this can be done by running a dedicated server action List Adobe InDesign Servers in the Admin Client. This feature is meant for customers whose installations run in our Data Center, and who have no direct access to Renderer Clients.
Markers known issue
When a multi-page PDF document with markers is replaced by a version with fewer pages, markers associated with deleted pages remain in the asset but can no longer be edited. Attempting to edit a marker on a deleted page will result in an error message.