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A model for mapping permission key information. It uses values from configuration 'permissions/mapping'.

implements: hash
bundle: standard portal bundle
since 2.0.0
A model for mapping permission key information. It uses values from configuration 'permissions/mapping'.

Defined hash keys

canAnonymousUserComment ↦ boolean
since 2.0.82
get if comments can be added by anonymous users

canAnonymousUserLikeDisLike ↦ boolean
since 2.0.82
get if like-dislike can be done by anonymous users

canAnonymousUserRating ↦ boolean
since 2.0.82
get if rating can be done by anonymous users

canAnonymousUserViewComment ↦ boolean
since 2.0.82
get if comments can be shown to anonymous users

canBookmark ↦ boolean
since 2.0.82
get if bokmarking can be done by the current session

canComment ↦ boolean
since 2.0.0
get if comments can be added by the current session

canDislike ↦ boolean
since 2.0.0
get if dislike can be added by the current session

canEditComment ↦ boolean
since 2.0.0
get if comments can be edited by the current session

canFollow ↦ boolean
since 2.0.0
get if follow can be done by the current session

canLike ↦ boolean
since 2.0.0
get if likes can be added by the current session

canLikeDislike ↦ boolean
since 2.1.42
get if like-dislikes can be changed by the current session

canRate ↦ boolean
since 2.0.82
get if rating can be done by the current session

hasLock.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is secured by an active lock by permission rights management

  • Example:
    model.hasLock.elem - is elem in model guarded by an active permission lock?
    article.hasLock.text - Returns if there is a permission lock for text configured in 'article' ? (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)

isLocked.<String:hashKey> ↦ Boolean
since 5.2.0
Check if the value accessed by the hash-key 'hashKey' within this model is is locked for current user by permission rights management

  • Example:
    model.isLocked.elem -- is value for elem in model locked for current logged-in user?
    article.isLocked.text -- Returns if the value for 'text' within 'article' is locked (not accessible) for current user. (In this example 'article' is of of type ArticleModel)

mediaportalDownloadFreely ↦ boolean
since 2.0.0
get if media portal assets may be downloaded freely by the current session

Permission Verbs used

since 2.0.82 'asset.canAnonymousUserComment' - guards requests to '→canAnonymousUserComment'

since 2.0.82 'asset.canAnonymousUserLikeDisLike' - guards requests to '→canAnonymousUserLikeDisLike'

since 2.0.82 'asset.canAnonymousUserRating' - guards requests to '→canAnonymousUserRating'

since 2.0.82 'asset.canComment' - guards requests to '→canAnonymousUserViewComment'

since 2.0.82 'asset.canBookmark' - guards requests to '→canBookmark'

since 2.0.0 'asset.canComment' - guards requests to '→canComment'

since 2.0.0 'asset.canDislike' - guards requests to '→canDislike'

since 2.0.0 'asset.canComment' - guards requests to '→canEditComment'

since 2.0.0 'asset.canFollow' - guards requests to '→canFollow'

since 2.0.0 'asset.canLike' - guards requests to '→canLike'

since 2.1.42 'asset.canLikeDislike' - guards requests to '→canLikeDislike'

since 2.0.82 'asset.canRate' - guards requests to '→canRate'


since 2.0.0 'asset.mediaportalDownloadFreely' - guards requests to '→mediaportalDownloadFreely'


likeUrl(String:mode, String:variant, Boolean:other, String:group)String
since 2.3.10
Return a relative url with a csrf signature parameter ('__req_s') to used for like / dislike actions.
First parameter must be 'like' or 'dislike' setting the operation mode.
Second is a value for the variant provided as String.
Third parameter is a Boolean included into req-parameter 'like.showX'; with X is the opposite action mode.
Last parameter is optional the navigation group (with default value 'like-ajax-group') defining how to find the NavigationTreeNodeModel the URL resolves to.
Parameters set on URL:

__req_s*csrf signature value
like.variant*copy of second parameter
like.showDislike'true''false'if mode 'like', value from third param
like.showLike'true''false'if mode 'dislike', value from third param
like.action'false'if mode 'dislike'
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