Configure the wrapper
Target groups
- Developer (Web)
The SIS model uses freemarker to render HTML and freemarker uses java-models to access data objects and content structures.
The SIS module provides freemarker models for the standard-information-structure assets and xml elements, making their data structures available in freemarker and for the templating framework.
- Administrator rights
- censhare-Client (java)
- OC version 2019.1 or higher
- utilize UpdatingSatellite
In customized projects new asset types may be derived from existing ones to express a different semantic meaning. The derived information units keep the data- and information-structure of the original object. For example think of variations of topic. or keyword. asset types.
Also xml content elements may by introduced duplicating and renaming existing structures to express a different meaning or even to restrict usage.
In this cases it's possible to configure the freemarker model for asset type foo. or element <foo> to be also used on the derived asset type bar. or element <bar>.
But the reuse of freemarker-models requires the data-structure of the derived object to be compatible to the original one.
Since 2019.2.2 it is also possible to disable the provided standard models, e.g. to gain performance.
A wrapper is used to apply a freemarker model to assets and xml elements before they are available to the freemarker skin engine. These wrappers are designed as OSGi services. By adding a xml configuration to a satellite group it is possible to configure the wrapper to wrap assets or elements of formerly unknown types or names into his product - the model.
With version 2019.2.2 the SIS-standard-models are registered using java method register(BundleContext, Consumer<ServiceRegistration<?>>, Consumer<ServiceRegistration<?>>) enabling them to register/deregister for specific sites.
- Create an asset of type Modul/Satellite/Satellite-OSGI/Satellite-OSGI-Configuration (or clone existing)
- Edit new configuration and set content to example below.
- adapt <pid> to java wrapper class
- adapt collection assetTypes to the types to wrap (xml elements use collection with <key>nodeNames</key>)
- @since 2019.2.2: adapt/delete collection sites to register wrapper on specified instances (omit sites property to enable global, use empty collection for sites to deregister from any site)
- Add configuration to satellite configuration group as described here
Example configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>