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Monitoring OC

All about monitoring your Online Channel instances.

There are a few ways to monitor your portals:

  1. By calling

  2. By checking the logs


health.txt URI remains the most basic method. The endpoint collects status from all deployed and configured bundles, in particular, from the DataStore one.

Please be aware of its limitations!

This check only confirms the operational status of internal components (such as HTTP server, datastore, etc.) but does not cover monitoring of specific application pages or subdomains.

The endpoint only returns:

  • 200 OK

  • KO (operation failed)

So, if you call and see OK status, it only means that those internal components are up and running.

The KO status is shown regardless of the actual error and its root causes, i.e., it does not differentiate between errors.

As a result, this check does not reflect any application-level errors. Actual application pages need to be monitored separately, and there is no universal way to do that, because every custom application may have different pages.

And the other way around, if you call (the English version of your portal), the status might show OK even if the main application is experiencing issues.

The Online Channel Configuration article explains how to enable and configure this check.

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