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Access method-models to store and retrieve attributes in the ComponentContext.

implements: hash
bundle: online channel standard (oc)
since 4.8.2
Access method-models to store and retrieve attributes in the ComponentContext.

The Props hash-model gives accesss to a set of method-models to store and retrieve attributes in the ComponentContext. The props model is part of the CenshareNamespace.

This model is made accessible by the OCFreemarkerExtensionService with the global access path 'cs.props'.


since 4.8.2
Get the value(s) stored under 'key' in the ComponentContext

cs.props.push(String:key, TemplateModel:value)sequence<TemplateModel>
since 4.8.2
Adds the parameter value to the sequence of values stored under 'key' in the ComponentContext - if not already contained.
returns the complete sequence of values stored for 'key'.
The usage of this function requires that no other value than a sequence is stored for 'key'.
However '→set' allows storing any type of value ...

cs.props.set(String:key, TemplateModel:value)TemplateModel
since 4.8.2
Sets the parameter value as the values stored under 'key' in the ComponentContext - if not already contained.
Returns the parameter value.
If 'value' is not a sequence the usage of '→push' is not possible.

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