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The OnlineChannel is prepared to deliver localized content for the locale requested.

The OnlinePortal can handle fallbacks locales.


The OnlineChannel utilizes multiple sources for localized content:

  1. localized editorial content from articles (text-assets)
  2. localized page content elements as defined in widgets (text-assets)
  3. localized messages and fixed terms as defined in translation files
  4. server localization data (e.g. feature values)

Locale support

The localization support in the OC module includes:

  • defining a default locale
  • defining supported locales

The localization support in the OnlinePortal allows also

  • defining fallback locales for content

A fallback locale is used in case the requested content asset does not support the requested locale. This is handy if you do not provide all content in all supported languages.


Suported locales can be configured in the OnlineChannel Configuration

Definition of fallbacks is done in the SiteConfiguration.

  <locale-fallbacks locale="de">
    <locale-fallback locale="en"/>
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