The SiteConfiguration is a xml structure without schema restrictions. It is supported by the online-channel and required for the OnlinePortal. The initial SiteConfiguration delivered with the OnlinePortal is heavily commented inside.
It is available
- in java by the class com.censhare.oc.sismodel.configuration.SisConfiguration included to the OC API
- in freemarker through the ConfigurationModel
Multiple SiteConfigurations may be available. By default two configurations are prepared, one for staging and one for live such as the staging configuration is overlay to the live configuration (shadowing).
Config options
This list is just to provide an overview and support 'playing around'. It is neither complete nor intended as full-documentation. The comments in the example documentation delivered with the Online Portal should explain more.
Warning: The existence of a configuration option does not imply that the configuration value is respected in all parts of the standard-portal.
Most configuration options are defined only for specific parts or single components of the standard portal e.g. the media-portal.
logo,printlogo,favicon : path to resources used as website logos
teaser/short : Short teaser-text length with suffix
link/append-state/target : configure nav-groups for login and register and redirect exclusion groups
storage-key-mapping/image : Image shortnames, see ImageService
storage-key-mapping/video : Video shortnames, see VideoModel
downloads/storage-definitions : Define storage item keys available for download. Asset type is mapped to name, name is searched as child element.
media-portal/storage-definitions : Define storage-items to use in search result views, detail view and which are available for download.
icon-definitions/download-files : map mime types to representing icons.
locale-fallbacks : more on localization
style-mapping : style mappings for values of style feature for assets, style attribute of xml
permissions : configure fine grained access to partial or inner information of assets
mail : configure mail account settings, activate in CommandConfiguration
user : Default values for new user assets
price : Define price and currency settings
embed-service : Define HTML templates to use with embedding feature.
remote-site : Define the site the 'RemoteFileResolver' should resolve assets (e.g. for newsletter)
payment : Configuration example for payment provider 'stripe'.
xml-feed : Configure features to include in XML content interface
targeting : Enable targeting contributors
anonymous-user : configure allowed actions for anonymous users
google-captcha : config