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Install censhare Service Client

Install censhare Service Client on Windows, macOS and headless on Linux. 


  • censhare Service Client. We recommend a Service client on Linux.

  • create censhare user, e.g.: service-client (as "System user")

  • latest java version

  • latest ImageService tools installed (Only available for RedHat-based Linux, for Office Previews only for RedHat 7 based Linux)

Supported platforms:

  • latest release of RHEL, SLES, macOS and Windows

Install on Windows

  1. Unzip censhare Service-Client.
  2. Start censhare Service-Client.exe and if required enter your hostname and host URL and click OK.
  3. Enter User, Password, activate Log on automatically and log on.
  4. Set up the correct path to your ImageService tools by editing File|Preferences|General on the censhare Service Client.

Install on macOS 

  1. Open censhare Service-Client, drag & drop censhare to /Applications/  and execute it. If required, enter your hostname and host URL and click OK.
  2. Enter User, Password, and click Log on automatically and log in.
  3. Set up the path to your ImageService tools by editing File|Preferences|General on the censhare Service Client.

Install on Linux

  1. Prepare installation with RPM
  • Install censhare Service-Client

    yum install --enablerepo="censhare*" censhare-Service-Client


  • Important! If you use a Service Client with multiple network interfaces, you need to adjust the start script:

    vi /opt/corpus/service-client/


     # Set JVM properties 
    JAVA_PROPERTIES="$JAVA_PROPERTIES -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=
                <IP address of service client host

    Replace <IP address of service client host> with either the IP or the hostname of you service client (the one the app server should connect to).

  • Follow the setup by running /opt/corpus/service-client/ setup as user corpus.   

  • Set up service client configurations:

    Setup serviceclient configurations
    === Service-Client auto setup ===
    ** uppercase values in [ ] are default and set when you hit enter **
    = init =
    $ User for autologin [service-client]:
    $ Password for autologin: *******
    $ Url in hosts.xml [frmi://localhost/corpus.RMIServer]:
    $ Name in hosts.xml [localhost]:
    user.dir (working directory)=/opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client
    Using preferences folder: /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config
    Using logging folder: /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/logs
    = hosts.xml =
    Using hosts.xml: /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/hosts.xml
    WARNING: Host 'localhost' already exists in hosts.xml:
                         name => OLD: 'localhost'
                              => NEW: 'localhost'
             compressionlevel => OLD: '0'
                              => NEW: '0'
        authentication-method => OLD: ''
                              => NEW: ''
                          url => OLD: 'rmi://localhost/corpus.RMIServer'
                              => NEW: 'frmi://localhost/corpus.RMIServer'
    $ Do you want to update the entries? [Yn]:
    Updating host 'localhost' in hosts.xml
    OK setting hosts.xml
    = autologin =
    writing service-client.autologin
    check, read service-client.autologin
    Reading auto login information from file: /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/service-client.autologin
    OK auto-login
    = copy icc-profiles =
    OK icc-profiles copied to /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles
    = edit user-preferences =
    server is online
    loading preferences from server
    loaded user-preferences from server
    $ Instance count [4]:
    checking facilities
    ** uppercase values in [ ] are default and set when you hit enter **
    $ imagemagickenable? [Yn]:
    $ exiftoolenable? [Yn]:
    $ ghostscriptenable? [Yn]:
    $ heliosenable? [yN]:
    $ xinetenable? [yN]:
    $ wkhtmltoimageenable? [Yn]:
    $ videoenable? [yN]:
    $ officeenable? [Yn]:
    $ pngquantenable? [yN]:
    $ mathmlenable? [yN]:
    $ ffmpegenable? [yN]:
    writing prefs to disk
    OK writing user-preferences done (file:///opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/ for user service-client)
    DONE with setup, have a nice day.
  • Start the Service Client:

    sudo systemctl start censhare.serviceclient
  • Enable Service Client to start Service Client automatically after a server restart

    sudo systemctl enable censhare.serviceclient
  • Check log file for censhare Service Client >=5.5:

    { # as corpus_user@application_host
    less ~/service-client/logs/service-client-0.0.log
  • If everything is ok, the log should look like this:

    Logging started at 2022.08.02-14:17:06.018:
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.011 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Application started: SERVICE_CLIENT, version: 2022.1.0, build date: 19.07.2022
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.051 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Register service "ClientCLIService", 4 instances
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.051 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Facilities: [imagemagick, exiftool, ghostscript, wkhtmltoimage, office]
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.310 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/PSRgravureLWC.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.310 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: PSRgravureLWC.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.464 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.464 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: USWebCoatedSWOP.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.576 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/iso-coated-v2-eci.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.576 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: iso-coated-v2-eci.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.680 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/sRGB_Color_Space_Profile.icm
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.680 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: sRGB_Color_Space_Profile.icm
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.794 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/ISOcoated.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.794 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: ISOcoated.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.951 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/GenericGrayProfile.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:06.951 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: GenericGrayProfile.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.055 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/AdobeRGB1998.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.055 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: AdobeRGB1998.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.169 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/EuropeISOCoatedFOGRA27.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.170 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: EuropeISOCoatedFOGRA27.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.273 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/eciRGB_v2.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.273 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: eciRGB_v2.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.379 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/sRGB_v4_ICC_preference.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.379 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: sRGB_v4_ICC_preference.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.482 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/AppleRGB.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.482 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: AppleRGB.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.588 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/ISOcoated_v2_300_eci-grau.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.588 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: ISOcoated_v2_300_eci-grau.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.701 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/ECI-RGB-V1-0.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.702 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: ECI-RGB-V1-0.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.807 INFO   : LoginAction: log: profile file:  /opt/corpus/censhare/censhare-Service-Client/config/.hosts/localhost/iccprofiles/ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc
    2022.08.02-14:17:07.807 INFO   : LoginAction: log: Registering ICC-Profile: ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc
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