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Role and permission schemas - dedicated solutions

The censhare standard workspace for dedicated solutions contains preconfigured roles and permission sets. Optionally, you can add minimum/maximum workflow states, and minimum/maximum workflow target states to each role. In the user configuration, assign a default domain and the shared and common domains with their specific roles to a user.

User roles

Solution developers


Permission sets are assigned to roles. Users are assigned to a default role in their main domain, and additional roles in other domains.




Processes, responsibilities and functions determine, which access, editing and approval permissions users need to carry out their tasks. The preconfigured roles of the censhare Standard solutions cover most requirements of the production process and administration your assets.

The roles and permissions are stored in the Master data/ Roles and the Master data/Permission sets tables.

Permission sets and permission keys

The censhare standard workspace for dedicated solutions adds the following permission sets and respective permission keys to the master data:

Permission set


Includes permission keys


Grants permissions to publishing applications (Adobe InCopy, Adobe InDesign, Adobe FrameMaker, QuarkXPress) that are part of the censhare system.

Use Adobe InCopy,
Use Adobe InDesign, 
Use Adobe FrameMaker, 
Use Quark XPress


Grants permission to open, edit, and save asset properties.

Asset relations user,
Cancel assets editing,
Edit asset attributes,
Edit asset attributes without new version,
Edit assets,
Edit new assets,
Save and close assets


Users can preview assets on an asset page and have access to their profile and preferences.

Asset previews,
Own user parameter


Grants permission to create new assets, to create asset variants, to check out/check in assets, and to add or replace asset files.

Asset relations variant,
Save and close assets, 
Replace asset files, 
Edit new assets, 
Cancel assets editing, 
Edit assets


Users with this permission set can mark assets for deletion (not physically delete assets), and remove asset content (files).

Mark assets for deletion,
Remove deletion mark from assets,
Propose assets for deletion,
Remove asset files


Grants permission to download asset content (files).

Asset export all


Grants permissions to editing tools (content editor, text editor, calendar editor, image editor, and others) that are part of the censhare system.

Article editor all, 
Use basket application, 
Use collection application, 
Use dictionary application, 
Use schedule application, 
Use calendar application, 
Text editor all, Frame groups all, 
Content editor all, 
Asset relations actual, 
InCopy editor all, 
Notes all, 
Layout editor all, 
Image editor all, 
Planning all

History & archive

Grants access to the asset history and asset versions. Required to restore and archive asset versions. Note: This set does not include deletion permissions.

Archive assets, 
View asset history

Plan & relate

Grants permission to the planning tools of censhare (Project editor), and the related resources (Workflows, Workflow targets). This set includes the permission to create the respective asset relations.

Asset relations target,
Asset relations user,
Asset relations copy template,
Asset relations input template,
Asset relations output template


Grants permission to edit the generic asset properties (for example, name, description, domain, language), and specific asset properties (for example, product features)

Edit asset attributes,
Edit asset attributes without new version,
Edit asset versions


Grants permission to the translation memory and translation resources.

Translation of styles,
Translation memory all,
Terminology all,
Translation of content all,
Translation of content with memory all,
Translation of metadata with memory all

Solution administration

Grants administrator permissions to applications (enable/disable, configure), administration of users and assets.
Note: This set includes the permission to physically delete assets and asset versions.

Admin all,
User / groups all,
All user parameter,
Cancel assets editing by other users,
Delete assets irreversible,
Rearchive assets,
FTP access,
Asset versions all

System administrator

Grants all permissions.



Grants permission to the translation memory and translation resources.

Translation of styles,
Translation memory all,
Terminology all,
Translation of content all, 
Translation of content with memory all, Translation of metadata with memory all

Permission set assignments

Permission sets are assigned to user roles. In the censhare standard workspace for dedicated solutions, permission sets are assigned to the preconfigured user roles. Optionally, you can assign a minimum and maximum workflow state, and a minimum and maximum target workflow state to each permission set.


Assigned permission sets

Solution administrator

History & archive, 
Plan & relate, 
Solution administration, 


Plan & relate, 


History & archive, 
Plan & relate, 

External service provider

Plan & relate, 


Plan & relate, 


Plan & relate,

Role and domain schemas

For the proper function of the censhare Standard workspace, users require access to the common resources domain, the global share and the organizational share domains. As best practice, users can also be granted read access to the default domains of the other dedicated solutions.

The censhare standard workspace for dedicated solutions does not add any users to the master data, but provides XML configuration files for dedicated test users. You can import these users for test purposes and as a blueprint for dedicated PIM, DAM, CMS and Project solutions.

Create test users

Important: The generic test users provided with censhare Dedicated Solutions are only for test purposes. Never use test users in production systems!

The configuration files of the test users are stored as Text/XML assets. The assets are part of the dedicated solution package. The assets contain only the configuration. The users themselves are not part of the dedicated solutions. This section describes how to create the test users from the configuration files.
If you cannot find the respective assets in your system, you can import the assets in the censhare Admin Client with the Synchronize Dedicated Solutions action. In the dialog, select dedicated-solutions/03_test-users and click OK to run the import.

The import creates the following assets:

Asset (resource key)

Default role (domain)

Additional roles (domains)

censhare Media Consumer

Consumer (Media)

Consumer (Common resources)
Specialist (Global share)
Specialist (Organization/Share)

censhare Media Enabler

Enabler (Media)

Consumer (Common resources)
Consumer (Organization/Content)
Consumer (Organization/Product)
Specialist (Global share)
Specialist (Organization/Share)

censhare Media Manager

Manager (Media)

Consumer (Common resources)
Consumer (Organization/Content)
Consumer (Organization/Product)
Specialist (Global share)
Specialist (Organization/Share)

censhare Media Specialist

Specialist (Media)

Consumer (Common resources)
Consumer (Organization/Content)
Consumer (Organization/Product)
Specialist (Global share)
Specialist (Organization/Share)

censhare Product Manager

Manager (Product)

Consumer (Common resources)
Consumer (Organization/Content)
Consumer (Organization/Media)
Specialist (Global share)
Specialist (Organization/Share)

censhare Product Specialist

Specialist (Product)

Consumer (Common resources)
Consumer (Organization/Content)
Consumer (Organization/Media)
Specialist (Global share)
Specialist (Organization/Share)

censhare Solution Administrator

Solution admin
(Solution admin)

Solution administration
(Common resources)
Solution administration
(Global share)

To add a test user, do the following:

  1. In censhare Web, search for the desired asset (you can search for the name or resource key from the table above), and open it in an asset page.

  2. In the Files widget, click

    to download the XML master file.

  3. Open the censhare Admin Client, and click

    to open the Import XML files dialog.

  4. Select the test user XML file from the download folder of your computer.

  5. In the Import XML files dialog, click

    to start the import.

  6. In the import resume dialog, click OK.

  7. Repeat the previous steps for each test user that you want to add.

Edit test users

The test users are created as censhare Master data. You can view and edit the imported test users in the Master data/Users table in the censhare Admin Client.

Create person assets from test users

In a common scenario, users are also managed as a person resource in censhare. Person resources are represented in Person assets. You can enrich person assets with further data. For example, contact data, departments, personal goals, etc.

To create person assets from the test users, in the censhare Admin Client, open the server actions menu (

) and select the Create person assets action. In the dialog, click OK to run the action. Person assets are created for all users, you cannot select individual users in the dialog. To access the person assets in censhare Web, open the Last created page.


The preconfigured roles are ready to be used in your digital asset management solution. You know how to configure default and additional domains and roles for users.

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