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Configure storage options

Asset features are stored in the database in different ways. The storage option depends on the purpose of an asset feature, and also affects the performance and memory usage of the system.


Asset features are configured in the censhare Admin Client.


You should be familiar with the data model of assets.


For asset features, several standard storage options are available. Besides these, some storage options are only for internal and development purposes.

Storage options




Every time a feature has been changed, a new version will be created and saved.


Only the current value of the feature is saved. That reduces the amount of data saved but there will be no history for this feature.


This field assigns a feature in the censhare database (cdb) to a column in the SQL database. The "Attribute assignment" field also appears. "Attribute" is only for internal censhare purposes.


The feature is created as a full-text field and represents a text search index. Users can not only search for the entire text (string) but also for individual words (terms) in the text. To do that the string is divided into individual terms.


The values of the feature are calculated. The "Attribute assignment" field also appears. Enter the formula in the field. This allows you to search for the values of the formula in the censhare database as well.


This entry is only for internal censhare purposes.


This entry is only for internal censhare purposes.

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